
This is the package that carried our hearts through Paris, Dubai, and on to Ethiopia :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Several weeks ago at the end of a Sunday morning service, Pastor Danny annointed us with oil and prayed over us. People close to us laid hands on us and prayed as he prayed. He prayed that God would give us a child soon - whether through our adoption going through quickly, or through a pregnancy. Well, since then several other couples in our church have gotten pregnant... but not us. We also have heard no new news on the adoption. Tough stuff to understand. I heard God whisper to my heart this morning, "I have something better for you". Wow. Not that what He has for us is better than anyone else, just better for us as a couple.
God, I know your ways are better than my ways, and your plans are better than my plans. Help us as we try to be happy for everyone else, and wait on what you have for us, because we want what you want. Amen *tears


  1. Your posts have been such a blessing to me. YOU have been such a blessing to me. I love seeing God take what was meant for evil and turn it into His good. Thank you for letting God take control of your lives and then sharing so the rest of us can be encouraged and so He can get the glory. Love you guys and we are so proud of you! -Steph-
    P.S. I can't wait to see what the "something better" is!

  2. Oh, Summer, we pray for you so much! We will never know the "why" but we always know "Who" is working. I pray your baby comes soon. Hugs to you, dear friend!

  3. I just read this and it made my heart weep and smile at the same time. The journey of life sure comes with a lot of unexplainables, doesn't it? I often wonder why God chose my family to be the one who suffered so many losses through premature death. Of course, I know in God's eyes each death was "mature" and in His plan, but it sure doesn't make sense. Thank you for not stringing the yellow caution tape around your heart to keep us all out. We are all in this together, for good or for bad. I love you both so very much...MOM
